Toyota Tundra

Overall 4.5 of 5
Fit: 5.0 of 5
Finish: 4.5 of 5
Function: 5.0 of 5
Performance: 4.8 of 5
 I can't believe the number of Truckers who Gawk at it
MX Series : Toyota Tundra

July 15, 2011    Posted by: Michael
I have spent more time "selling" A.R.E. MX Walking thru Topper's to others than my sales guy did selling it to me. I can't stop to get gas, or put my groceries in the back without another truck pulling up - or having waited for me - and asking me to show them the details of the walk thru rear end. I haven't been so popular since high school. Sadly, it's all guys - no hot chicks yet. The HILLTOP team in Frederick did the best job.

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