LSII Series Tonneau Covers

Overall 3.0 of 5
Fit: 5.0 of 5
Finish: 1.0 of 5
Function: 5.0 of 5
Performance: 3.7 of 5
 No trim on the underside of the cap.
LSII Series : Chevy/GMC 2500 HD
December 21, 2019    Posted by: RD
This is the 5th cover that I have purchased in 20 years. I have always recommended these as the quality of the finished product has always been second to none. Until now! This cover arrived without the trim on the underside of the cap. The finish on the underside is rough, looks incomplete and could possibly cause someone to get cut if they ran their fingers along the unfinished edge. I doubt that safety was considered when the decision to discontinue the trim was had. When I talked to my dealer, I was informed that it is no longer installed on the covers. The dealer also told me that they had talked to ARE about this and recommended I call customer service because they have no control over what the factory does. My dealer incidentally is great & I recommend them to everyone I can.When I called ARE , the customer service representative informed me that the trim was no longer available and the problem was between myself & my dealer and I needed to take it up with them. She was much less than friendly and she didn't help me at all. I really hope this is an isolated incident and is not the true culture of ARE. It still shows the trim on the ARE mobile website as of December 21, 2019 @ 9:47 AM, so you really need to update your website.. I realize that the trim was discontinued to save money, but the quality of a once stellar product suffered. I would gladly have paid for the difference in cost. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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Overall 0.5 of 5
Fit: 3.0 of 5
Finish: 3.0 of 5
Function: 0.5 of 5
Performance: 2.2 of 5
 Lock Freezes when its 30 degrees
LSII Series :
December 19, 2019    Posted by: JP
Purchased this cover for the security compared to a soft cover. It was nice until winter. When the temp drops to 30 degrees the lock freezes and doesn't function. I had replacement lock put in and happened next day. Then they put white lithium grease in and still froze the next day. Temps only dropped to 30 degrees both nights. Also tried de-icers and using a heat gun and it still wouldn't free up. I could see if temps are in single digits but just below freezing, come on. It's described as an automotive type lock so why does that freeze but my door locks don't. Lost out on a day of work since it was locked and couldn't access my tools. Tried emailing ARE and haven't heard back, will try and call but I can guess what the answer will be. So more than likely, it'll be going in the trash. Would have saved money using a soft cover and letting my tools get stolen.

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Overall 3.0 of 5
Fit: 2.5 of 5
Finish: 2.5 of 5
Function: 2.5 of 5
Performance: 2.5 of 5
 Dinosaur should be extinct ... note to designers at ARE's LSII department
LSII Series :
December 18, 2019    Posted by: Zewskii
This is my second LSII from ARE; which I rather enjoyed my first for several years. But, the most recent incarnation of the LSII's is not as good. The edge is no longer finished with trim and is rough and course. The first time I opened the lid I received a sliver. Without the edge trim it'll be susceptible to damage from a rake, lumber, chainsaw, split wood, a rib on a shotgun barrel … you name it. The lines do not fit the truck box. The fiberglass is too heavy -- carbon fiber would be half the weight and stronger. I don't care for the contoured deck either. Water accumulates on it instead of running off. I wrote ARE about my concerns for the lack of edge trim and I got a terse response and told me to take it up with my dealer. This is my last ARE product.

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