Read Owner Reviews

Overall 4.5 of 5
Fit: 3.0 of 5
Finish: 3.0 of 5
Function: 3.0 of 5
Performance: 3.0 of 5
 Excellent customer service
A.R.E. Cx Series
CX Classic : Toyota Tacoma
August 04, 2015    Posted by: 0351ofSpringfieldMO
On our first camping trip we noticed a significant leak at the rear hatch. After talking with our local retailer, who talked with A.R.E.'s engineers, it was determined that the leak could be repaired. At no additional charge, the topper was sent back and repaired in a timely fashion. We have had no further issues and love it! Can't wait to use it more frequently on quick get-a-ways.

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