Read Owner Reviews

Overall 1.0 of 5
Fit: 3.0 of 5
Finish: 3.0 of 5
Function: 0.5 of 5
Performance: 2.2 of 5
 Terrible waste of money - go somewhere else
A.R.E. Cx Series
CX Classic : Dodge Ram
January 15, 2024    Posted by: Matthew
I have had caps on my trucks for 25 years. And, never had a problem. Don't remember the manufacturers. When I purchased my RAM, I ordered the cap thru the dealer. I knew the cost would be higher than doing it on my own, but the convenience was worth it, or so I thought. It took 3 months to receive the cap. Once it was installed, it leaked every time it rained. While the dealer was working on it, I wrote to ARE. Auto response said expect comtact in 1-2 business days. After 2+ weeks, I got an email that stated my issue was DONE. I had received no contact from Customer Service. After 3 more cycles, I finally got a response with a name. Unfortunately, still no response. BOTTOM LINE, the quality of the cap is very poor.

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