Read Owner Reviews

Overall 2.0 of 5
Fit: 1.0 of 5
Finish: 1.0 of 5
Function: 1.5 of 5
Performance: 1.2 of 5
 Poor detailing
A.R.E. Cx Series
CX Classic : Toyota Tacoma
May 19, 2015    Posted by: Rambo
Very unhappy with the final job on my cap! first he forgot to hook up the lights direct. minor they fixed it. the finish trim around the rear window by the bottom corners is terrible!!! very sharp they had to bent them down with a hammer!! the fit on both sides of the truck by cab hangs over a 1/2 inch difference from one side to the other!! they cant move it because of the inside contour!! there was carpet hanging out around some of the trim on the inside and the carpet is still loosing fiberglass dust!! terrible cleaning!!

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