Read Owner Reviews

Overall 5.0 of 5
Fit: 5.0 of 5
Finish: 5.0 of 5
Function: 5.0 of 5
Performance: 5.0 of 5
A.R.E. Cx Series
CX Classic : Dodge Ram
April 20, 2013    Posted by: Slacker 24/7
I have owned several Leer caps and went to look at another. The dealer carried A.R.E. and Leer. I much preferred the A.R.E. for my needs and went home to research them and I found good reviews. I wasn't that impressed with the first dealer who is just down the road from my work, and after more research I ordered from a dealer 80 miles away. I was very impressed with the dealer and couldn't be happier with the top and options I ordered . There were pet screens, fold fown slider front window, interior carpet and dual handles. I am very satisfied.

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