Read Owner Reviews

Overall 4.5 of 5
Fit: 5.0 of 5
Finish: 5.0 of 5
Function: 3.0 of 5
Performance: 4.3 of 5
 Good cap but not packed as good as it could be.
A.R.E. Overland Series
OVERLAND Series : Jeep Gladiator
June 06, 2024    Posted by: Ray
Received cap with cosmetic damage - wood from crate rubbed spray coating from surface. Not enough to refuse delivery, can be touched up but cap leaks at windows?!! The build quality is good, looks good on vehicle - don't understand why windows leak.

13 Found This Review Helpful

Overall 1.5 of 5
Fit: 3.0 of 5
Finish: 2.0 of 5
Function: 4.0 of 5
Performance: 3.0 of 5
A.R.E. Lsii Series
LSII Series : Dodge Ram
December 28, 2019    Posted by: Ray
Recommended product because of first ARE topper for my last truck, which worked out great. Ordered another one for my new truck. It came with an air bubble in the paint, and trim was crooked. New trim was ordered Nov.9 and still waiting. Definitely not the same quality as my first topper.

32767 Found This Review Helpful

Overall 3.0 of 5
Fit: 5.0 of 5
Finish: 3.0 of 5
Function: 3.5 of 5
Performance: 3.8 of 5
 Front Vista Glass
A.R.E. Mx Series
MX Series : Chevy/GMC Sierra
December 08, 2017    Posted by: Ray
This is my second cap, which I am very pleased with. My first cap you had a skylight thru the front Vista Glass. I was disappointed to see the Front Vista Glass is blocked out. Very disappointing,

32767 Found This Review Helpful

3 of 13 Reviews